
The drivers of the first seven cars to cross the finish line.

Leane Beyer and Margie Simpson from Jamestown Raised $11,451.

The Gold Scissors car from Jamestown crosses the finish line.

Jamestown’s Gold Scissors pasted the finish line raising $11,808.

Kym Sanders and Vicki Schumacher from Wallaroo in a 1994 Falcon ute raised $5,297

Sherlee The Sh*tbox AU Wagon.

The first car to cross was the Wilko Team in the Peugeot having raised $7,850


Car Rally beats all-time fundraising record | PHOTOS & REPORT


Five hundred people in teams of two left Port Douglas on a warm Saturday morning on October 14.

The next seven gruelling days of driving more than 3000km on dusty, mostly unsealed roads will test the competitors.

They crossed the finish line in Adelaide, on Friday October 20, however some cars simply will not finish the epic trip.

James Freeman OAM, who founded Box Rallies (Sh*tbox Rally and Mystery Box Rally) after losing both of his parents to cancer within 12 months of each other said “Sh*tbox Rally is not a race, but a reward for fundraising efforts and a chance to explore Australia.

“The Rally draws teams from around the country to help achieve the extraordinary. Many have been affected by cancer in one way or another, whether it be family, friends, or themselves personally.“

Mr Freeman said the rally did not only aim to raise awareness and money for Cancer Council, but also wanted to offer support and a friendly ear to those who suffered or were suffering.

He said starting in Port Douglas for the first time in Far North Queensland, this was the most northern start line in the history of rallies.

“The route took them from humidity and heat, into the parched Outback transversely crossing both Queensland and South Australia in what did prove a very remarkable and visually striking rally,“ he said.

“Teams not only pull together to help each other through the challenges linked with driving a $1500 car on these isolated outback tracks, but also help and support each other through camaraderie and friendship from people who have gone through similar hardships with their own cancer stories.

“This common experience unites each rally team to become a part of the larger Box Rallies family.”