

Phone:  (08) 8862 1977
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Address : 9 Howe St Balaklava SA 5461

Phone: (08) 8842 1427
Address: 274 Main North Road, Clare

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The Plains Producer

The Plains Producer is an independent, family-owned newspaper.

The newspaper is published weekly and reaches an estimated 10,000 readers across the Adelaide Plains and Mid North regions.

Its circulation extends from Virginia in the south to Orroroo in the north, and from eastern Yorke Peninsula to Kapunda and Eudunda.

Founded in 1903, the Plains Producer has been named South Australia’s best country newspaper with a circulation under 5000 many times.

With offices at Balaklava and Clare, the Plains Producer also publishes the biannual Valley Magazine and the Adelaide Plains Mid North Regional Business Directory.

Papers and Publications Group

The Plains Producer is part of the broader SA Today Pty Ltd publishing group.

The group’s State Manager is Renee Bennett, Managing Director is Paul Thomas and Damian Morgan is co-director.

The company employs more than 70 people across regional South Australia.


History of The Plains Producer

1903   Founded by James Walker as The Central Advocate

           Later renamed Wooroora Producer

1926   Amy Henstridge becomes first female owner

1940   Wooroora is dropped and it becomes The Producer

           Newspaper closes during World War II

1946   Newspaper resumes publication

1975   Business sold to Papers and Publications

1982   Doug Morrissy and Paul Milnes take ownership

1983   Roger and Margaret Manuel take ownership

2008   Andrew Manuel, son of Roger and Margaret, becomes owner

2016   Newspaper circulation is extended to cover Mid North

2023 SA Today Pty Ltd purchases Plains Producer and Papers and Publications sister publications

Member of Country Press SA
Phone: 8373 6533

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